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Brains, pains, and performance.

How hard do you have to be hit to sustain a concussion?

How hard do you have to be hit to sustain a concussion?

This will come as a shock to no one: You must be hit very hard to sustain a concussion; not just any bump will do. 

Let's put some context to this and answer the question, "how hard is very hard?" 

  • Sitting here reading, you are experiencing 1g of force (1 unit of gravity).

  • An open-mouth sneeze is just under 3gs.

  • A hearty slap on the back can reach about 4gs.

  • For you to sustain whiplash, you need to approach 5gs.

For concussion, you need to reach at least 70gs of force and go possibly up to 160gs. Check out the visual below for reference.

How hard do you have to be hit for a concussion, g forces

If you think you have sustained a concussion or would like testing to know if you meet the criteria for concussion/PCS go ahead and schedule a consultation below.

In my practice, I offer in-person care here in Arizona and virtual programs for folks outside the state and abroad. Over the course of three visits, we dive deeply into autonomic, metabolic, visual/vestibular, cervical, and psychological assessment and screening. By completing this comprehensive assessment in a matter of 2-3 weeks, patients are provided with a comprehensive rehab plan that can shave months off their recovery times.