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Brains, pains, and performance.

Decrease hip and knee pain with this IT Band mobilization.

The iliotibial (IT) band…

…is a band of connective tissue that branches off of your gluteus maximus and tensor fascia latae (TFL) from the hip and crosses all the way down to the tibia on the knee.

When things go awry here we can experience knee pain, hip pain, and more!

So what good is this band of connective tissue, anyway?

Anatomy Trains: Lateral Line

The IT-Band is grossly thought of to be a part of the “Lateral Line” that helps to stabilize our bodies from front-to-back and side-to-side. It works alongside other superficial fascial lines to help provide this seemingly global stability.

In our world where sitting dominates, and does our health no good, it also smooshes our hamstrings and glutes flat making them “sticky” and less mobile.

You don’t fix “squished” and stuck tissues by squishing them more.

Take 10 minutes today (5min per leg) to mobilize and unstick your quads and hamstrings from your IT-Band to free your knee and hip up to move more fluidly and pain-free!

Go ahead and schedule a consult below if you’d like to schedule a visit for fascial manipulation.